

发布时间: 2024-05-10 22:12:40北京青年报社官方账号





Amazon’s push for faster shipping has reshaped the retail industry, with many competitors such as Target and Walmart now offering their own free two-day delivery options. Walmart in May unveiled one-day delivery on more than 200,000 items with a minimum order threshold of .


Amazon’s work in autonomous vehicles isn’t in the media spotlight the way its drone program is. At the end of 2016, Amazon began deploying delivery drones in the U.K. through its Amazon Prime Air initiative. As part of that program, Amazon has also leased a fleet of 40 branded airplanes. The company?bought thousands of truck trailers and even filed a patent for a system that would allow drones to hitch rides on trucks or buses.


Among the cases, about 40,000 are related to serious incidents such as drowning, car crashes, robbery or theft, as well as citizens encountering entry barriers while traveling abroad. Serious incidents included a boat sinking during a storm in waters off Phuket, Thailand, killing 16 Chinese tourists, and a typhoon in Saipan that trapped some 1,500 Chinese tourists, Guo said.


Amazon’s news comes days before the United Nation’s Climate Action Summit on Monday, and the start of the annual Climate Week in New York City, beginning on Tuesday. The events bring together leaders in industry, government and nonprofits.


Among the 30 employees of the company, 28 were from registered impoverished families. Due to the stable income of the job, 18 of them have been successfully lifted out of poverty. The expanded recruitment is expected to help another 50 to 80 low-income residents shake off poverty next year.


