

发布时间: 2024-05-09 22:28:24北京青年报社官方账号





As the Canton Fair looks to engage exporters, exhibition fees will be waived to cope with the effect of the COVID-19 epidemic and help foreign trade companies expand their market and tide over the difficulties, said Zhang Li, deputy director-general of the department of foreign trade under the Ministry of Commerce.


As to the five schools that have received a letter from Senator Marco Rubio, the universities of North Florida and South Florida, and Miami Dade College have reportedly said they would continue the Confucius Institute operation, saying the program doesn't engage in political or religious activities.


As the vessel tilted over fast, the passengers trapped below decks were drowned by the water that flooded in. The prime minister said he hoped the deceased would rest in peace.


As we say in Chinese, every single detail counts in the accomplishment of big tasks. Going forward, these are the six things we plan to do. We'll cut the time it takes for opening a business by another half; we will reduce the time required for reviewing a project application by another half; we will put in place, at the national level, an e-platform for accessing government services; we will work to see that our people can get things done in one office, without the need for a second trip; and we will ensure that any requirement for certification that has no basis in law or regulations will be abolished.


As to the Chinese wedding, the ceremony was quite familiar to Bradley, which he said was "very much like any wedding he had been to back in Australia". But it was still "interesting to see how Chinese couples balance the desires of a modern wedding while keeping Chinese traditions", after decorating the wedding suite.


